Minting Cento

Strick and consistent workflow of minting is the foundation of Cento

Create Cento SmartSafe
Gold Platinum Ruthenium Silver Rhodium Decem xAi Palladium Rhenium Iridium

Minting Process

The minting process follows a strict workflow triggered by a request to mint new Cento from registered customers

  • 1 Upon request submission, the platform verifies the customer’s credentials and documents. It will then notify affiliated refineries, brokers, resellers, and producers to procure each of the nine precious metals from which each Cento is made.
  • 2 The appropriate amount of each of the nine precious metals will be acquired and safely deposited into the Cento Vault, triggering nine smart contracts (one for each piece of precious metal) between the suppliers/refineries and the Cento Blockchain. During this time, the suppliers prepare the metals and fingerprint them, ensuring each element that goes into a Cento is trackable. affiliated refineries, brokers, resellers, and producers to procure each of the nine precious metals from which each Cento is made.
  • 3 Details of the stored assets — such as quantity, serial number, identification marks, etc. — are then forwarded to the Cento network
  • 4 XAI verifies all these details and submits an order to mint the appropriate number of new Cento/Noble via smart contracts
  • 5 The new Cento are minted and their information is forwarded to the Cento Blockchain
  • 6 The Cento information is securely stored on the Blockchain and a confirmation is sent using smart contracts
  • 7 The details of these new Cento are shared with the network’s XAI
  • 8 The new Cento are then securely deposited in the wallet address provided by the customer

Cento Supply Contracts

Every Cento is divided into 10 billion fractions, each of which is connected to the supply contracts which include information about the metal supplier, the weight of the bar, purity of metal other important information

Resource Name

Resource Name

Resource Weight

Resource Weight

Supplier Company Name

Supplier Company Name

Shipping Date

Shipping Date

Supplier Signature

Supplier Signature

Fingerprint Number

Fingerprint Number

Arrival Weight to Vault

Arrival Weight to Vault

Arrival Date to Vault

Arrival Date to Vault

Questions and Answers

Are supply contracts real contracts?
How long does minting take?
Why eight precious metals?
Why is Minting needed?

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